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Our Charism

Our Charism

All students at St Colman's are challenged to live the Mercy tradition of taking up the challenges set before them.

Through our "With faith we grow and learn" – our school motto – each child is encouraged to develop fully their own God given talents. We encourage students, teachers and community members to assist others so that they may life and have it to the full.

Who was St Colman?

As the Irish priests migrated to Australia, it became customary for them to keep alive the patron saint of their old country in the new country. Hence as many of Home Hill's early priests came from the areas of Cork and Cloyne, our parish was given the name of St Colman's. Although there are many St Colman's to choose from (almost 300), we are not really too sure of which particular one is ‘ours'. 

Fr O'Dwyer, St Colman's Parish Priest during the 1970s suggested that Colman MacLenini might be our authentic namesake– the fact that he too was from Cashel may have something to do with this!

Colman (Cloyne) November 24, C600

Colman MacLenini, was the royal bard of Munster and chief chronicler and genealogist to the king of Cashel. Interestingly enough, his becoming a Christian was the result of a robbery. The shrine of St Ailbhe had been stolen and the robbers drowned while taking it across a lake. At the time of its recovery, MacLenini helped to lift the shrine from the water. Brendan of Clonfert, when he heard about it said to the royal bard that hands that been hallowed by the touch of that sacred relic should not remain the hands of a pagan.